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Losing weight without a regime!? Now possible thanks to acupuncture!

Actualizado: 25 nov 2020

Weight loss, a dilemma or a nightmare, that we haved, are having or will have through our lives.

The improvement of the quality of life, the growth of industrially processed products and the sedentism are the main factors that have caused this weight gain in today’s society. Who hasn’t heard of or tried any miracle diet that promises weight loss in a short time? However, many of them, not to say all of them, can harmfully affect our health and it´s impossible to keep in long-term.

Today I will present to you our weight loss program based in traditional Chinese medicine theory. It has 2 parts, one done at our Center and another one at home:

· First part: acupuncture, electroacupuncture & auriculotherapy.

· Second part: a healthy diet, regular exercise & emotional balance.

The first part has a definite duration. The second part, hopefully, will be lifelong.

First of all, know that it is not some kind of miracle or express treatment, but rather a customized one that evaluates the state of each person. Our aim is to raise awareness, that weight loss doesn´t have to be a torture and that the person who does it ought understand the need behind all of this: it´s not a mere aesthetical issue, obesity can drive countless illness, and in some cases result in death.

How does acupuncture help you lose weight?

Acupuncture acts in various aspects of the organism by promoting the elimination of body fat:

1. Regulation of the endocrine system.

2. Regulation of the metabolism, accelerating the decomposition of fat and sugars.

3. Inhibitory effect over the secretion of gastric acid.

4. Reduction of excessive eating caused by anxiety.

What are the changes produced during the acupuncture weight loss treatment?

With the treatment you’ ll be noticing a series of changes in your body:

1. Lack of appetite. Which doesn´t mean that you will stop eating, but you will be feeling full quicker. You will eat only the amount that your body needs.

2. Sensation of thirst. Drinking water helps to clean liquid excess and toxins accumulated in our organism.

3. Rise of the quantity of urine or the need to go to the bathroom.

4. Corporal tonification. The acupuncture sessions will be done with electroacupuncture. It consists in connecting small electrical charges to the needles in order to break the subcutaneous fat.

When will I see the effects of the treatment?

Acupuncture, by being a method consisting in the regulation of the organism, will not have immediate effects as do following strict diets or taking slimming products. However, it’s a completely natural method without any kind of side effect.

Generally, you’ll see your weight loss during the first three sessions, this depending on the sensitivity of the person towards acupuncture (being able to lose between 1,5 – 4kgs in 3 weeks) and if there is any kind of accompanying disorder, such as hypothyroidism, polycystic ovaries, etc. These will slow down the effects of acupuncture, due to the greater amount of time needed for the hormonal regulation to find its balance.

Weight loss acupuncture is specially effective on men and women before their 50s (before the menopause). After the menopause, your metabolism becomes much slower and the effects of acupuncture won´t be so immediate, although it always depends on the sensibility of each person towards the treatment.

Recommendations and tips to know during the weight loss treatment

The acupuncture treatment does not demand you to follow any strict regime, but it does ask for a healthy lifestyle. These recommendations are for losing weight naturally and in a healthy way with the help of acupuncture:

1. Drink lots of water, it’s advised to drink up to 200ml of water after waking up.

2. Munch your food thoroughly, it should take you at least 20 minutes to finish each meal.

3. Having breakfast is a must, whilst you should have a light dinner.

4.Try to avoid having snacks between meals.

5. Walk 30 minutes everyday.

Although I have already said so before, it does not require for you to follow a regime, but there is a list of food not recommended to eat too much of: cheese, fried food, food with a high concentration of refined white flour, sweets, honey, sodas, alcohol or canned food.

Following the recommendations mentioned above and with the help of acupuncture we will obtain a healthy body, and once having finished the treatment, by conserving the acquired habits, we will successfully avoid the dreaded rebound effect. (thumbs up)

Now that you know about our weight loss programme, what are you waiting for try it for yourself! You won’t feel lonely, we will come along with you in this journey, hard but rewarding at the very end!

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